Breast Cancer, Long Hair, and Babies
It's widely known that I work for the American Cancer Society. And by widely known, I mean most of the people in my immediate circle know that. But my name gets out there through the event I manage. My "official" title is: Senior Community Development Manager, MSABC Mega Events If that isn't overly long, I don't know what is... So what does it mean? What do I do? Primarily, I'm the event manager for Making Strides Against Breast Cancer of Silicon Valley (MSBAC/Strides/Making Strides, etc.). Our Strides event is the only breast cancer awareness walk serving the Peninsula, South Bay, and Central Valley communities. In 2017, Making Strides of Silicon Valley raised just over $950,000 and hosted about 13,000 walkers. This year, we're slated to raise over $1M and host 15,000 walkers. As the Community Development manager I work with companies to secure sponsorship and steward the community champions from those companies, act as a resource for folks who w...