The Money Diaries: Day 3

6:23am -- Mornings like today get me a little off track. I get up early and do the regular routine because I have to pause around 7:30am to call in to my radio station for a segment I do every week called "Foodapedia". I chat with the morning show hosts about food and showcase a recipe. This morning I'm asked about bell peppers. I hate bell peppers most ways. So I text my momma for the info on roasting peppers and cooking them down with tomatoes. It makes my mouth water, but I wait until later to have breakfast.

7:41am -- After my call-in, I pour myself some Honey Nut Cheerios and start typing out the recipe for roasted red peppers, and the time gets away from me. I decide I want Starbucks since I found I have money on my gold card. So I stop with the recipe and finish getting ready. I still have to put my makeup on, fix my hair, and get dressed.

8:37am -- I should have ordered my coffee via the Starbucks app before I left the house, but I forgot. So I have to wait in a lengthy line, and the location closest to my office is the SLOWEST ever. My order is  relatively simple: Grande Iced Coffee in a Venti cup, extra ice, sweetened with breve. It doesn't take long to make and I am outta there with just enough time to pull into the parking lot right at 8:30am. But the morning show is doing a really funny bit, so I sit in my car and listen before walking into my office.

10:52am -- Our morning meetings are over and I realize I haven't had any water for the day, just coffee. I fill my water glass and have a few GF crackers before settling in to work on a print ad for the newspaper.

11:43am -- After my boss announces there is a new artist here on his radio tour, I grab my phone and venture into the conference room. Since I share Social Media responsibility, I take video on our Snapchat. I get pulled out the conference room to do another task and when I finish, the artist is visiting in my boss's office. So I sit back down in my office, and start editing a few videos on my phone so I can post on our Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

12:56pm -- Since my bosses went out to lunch with the visiting artist I join 2 of my coworkers in the big front office for lunch. I brought left overs from Tuesday night and a small container of ratatouille I bought when I went grocery shopping on Monday night. Mixed together they look disgusting, but are really tasty. I finish my apples and peanut butter from Tuesday's lunch, too. I'm not super full when I finish, but feel satisfied.

4:49pm -- It's all of a sudden almost 5pm and I haven't had anymore water or a snack. I make a mental note to only have water with dinner instead of my usual iced tea or 1/3 apple juice 2/3 water.

6:39pm -- For some reason - probably because we're both crazy - my husband and I have engaged in a political conversation. Our views are POLAR opposite about this, but our conversation is kind and fair. I am proud of us. It's later than I wanted, but I start making dinner and my husband lights the grill to cook the steaks I had taken out for Tuesday's dinner.

7:47pm -- While I'm washing a few dishes I remember that our water bill is due. When I finish I open my computer and I log on to pay the water bill. I also check our bank account since my husband got paid today. The mortgage is due, so I set a reminder in my pone to pay it next week. $81.53

Day 3 Total: $81.53


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