"She's ready to go!"

Yo - infertility is EXPENSIVE, y'all!

Like, this is our first round of trying with medical assistance, and it's cost us over $300 this month. If we don't end up pregnant in about 2 weeks, we'll go through the process again, but this time it should only cost us about $200... only...  For crap sakes!

Real talk, the HSG is terrible and I felt like a disgusting, bloated mess for 2 days afterward. It's a graphic procedure that I won't fully describe here, but if you want to know what they do, you can check out this article on WebMD. Basically, it's a test to make sure your fallopian tubes are open. Fortunately, mine were and my uterus is healthy.

Also, apparently, I can't follow directions. I started using a different ovulation predictor kit (OPK) for this cycle on 5/31 (I had been using one from August 2017-March 2018). Yesterday was the first day since December that the OPK was positive. I can't follow directions because I bought the wrong one. BUT, it still showed the right thing, so we're good.

In addition to the positive OPK yesterday, I went for another ultrasound to look at how many follicles had grown and were holding eggs. Sure enough, the NP found one lone egg. Dismayed, I asked, "just one?!" Her response: "Hey - all you need is one, it's a good size - and she's ready to go!"

If you don't know what has to happen after that, I'm not going to tell you...

But I will ask you to send your good vibes out into the universe. Because Lord know this shit is expensive, and if we can miraculously do this on the first round, then I can use that $200 for actual baby things. Not just trying to have the baby.

Fingers crossed!


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