Thankful Thursday: #Blessed

As I've said in the past, I get very nostalgic. One of my favorite places to get lost in thought is while driving late(ish) at night.

Last night, after Zumba*, I called Momma Lynn, as per usual. When we hung up, I turned the radio off, and got lost in thought. By the time I pulled into my driveway, I'd had one of the best streams-of-consciousness in recent memory.

It started with me thinking about a field trip to Emma Prusch Park in elementary school, where I tasted fresh butter for the first time. It ended with me thinking about all the awesome things I did while I lived in Los Angeles, and how I'm pretty fortunate to have a good, loving family.

Most importantly, during my stream last night, I thought about my husband. Today, he turns 30. He has his moments, moments of: annoyance, greatness, love, caring, loyalty, awesomeness, ridiculousness, grace, strength, irritability, weakness, fascination, and hope. But most of all, his greatest moments are the ones where all that matters is that our family is strong and surviving.

I don't use #hashtags in any facet of social media - save for Instagram - in fact, I mostly use them sarcastically via text messages with a select group of people. There's been a specific one going around that I've actually used sarcastically a few times: #Blessed.

But for this portion of my life, I actually am #Hashtag #Blessed. #HappyBirthday #MyDove!

*I take a Zumba class at PRIMETIME Martial Arts on Wednesdays and Saturdays. This is also where I take a class called Fighter Fitness on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I completed one of my 30 Before 30 tasks last night: Hold a plan for 60 seconds. Since I'm more than 5 months from turning 30, it's now been changed to 90 seconds...


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